Modular Asset: Lego City

Building a Lego city

Today in lesson we were tasked in pairs with create a backstory to a city and then building it using Lego pieces on a 12 x 10 Lego plate.


For our scene we thought about what the USA would be like in an alternate universe where Donald Trump is the Dictator of the the USD aka The United States of Donald. Trump Tower is now the tallest building in the world and is a landmark known to all as the Statue of Liberty has been replaced by a giant gold plated statue of Donald Trump gifted to him by the French. The wall between the USD – Mexico border has now been complete with a 25 ft solid concrete fully guarded wall surrounding the entire border. All of the airports docks and other means over international travel has been closed and Mexico is now the poorest country worldwide.

As of recent Trump has been giving full access to the Fallout 76 beta by Todd Howard himself, through the game Trump has found all of the nuclear launch codes that he asked Todd to hide in the game and is currently planning to launch a nuclear attack on Mexico in real life.

Trump Tower has also been renovated with the latest space travel technology stolen form Elon Musk with help from top of the range Russian Hackers. Once Mexico has been annihilated by the USD, Trump plans on launching his tower and colonise  Mars and rename it to Trumptopia.

The lesson was very enjoyable and interesting. It help me think of creative ways to think of new ideas and also help me be able to come with a concept ad create something off of that idea. I found the lesson quite easy as it was mostly idea generation and building both of which i don’t really struggle with but i can see how it would be helpful to someone that does.



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