Unreal Engine: Programming and Problem Solving


For our project we wanted to design a game that was similar in style to games such as dead cell and limbo. We wanted a combination of different genres in our; 2D gun and gun and a puzzled-based platformer. The aspects of both games intrigued our team and inspired some of our decisions.

Dead Cell


Unreal Engine

The engine we used to create our game was unreal engine; a software we had previously used in several workshops prior to this project. Unreal engine its self is has a verity of different features that make it the perfect fit for the creation of our game.

Main Menu

The first part to creating our game was to create a main menu. This involve several steps and a different software. First i went into Photoshop and created a basic-looking style main menu, i wanted to create a more stylistic one if i had more time on this project.


The Implementation of the menu was quite easy as we already have completed a workshop earlier in the year on creating a main menu so i used what i learnt there. The main menu will only work if it is created as a separate level. So after i created the new level i then created a widget blueprint. For the main menu to work i had to make the window 1920×1080 so that it fits properly. Then the button widgets come next.


The HUD was the next thing that my team and I created. we wanted the HUD to have an an older style as the game was set in an old mansion as we thought that the be a good tie to the game.

Concept HUD


Final HUD

HUD Design

To implement the HUD in Unreal engine i used what i learnt in the HUD workshop. From there i created a widet blueprint, giving it the name HUD or heads up display for the long terminology. Inside the widget blue print i set up a very basic health bar in the top left behind the health bar i already had. Then i made sure the widget was set to a resolution of 1920×1080 so none of the hud was cut off at all.


Unfortunately i was away ill for the some of the last part of the project so my members of my group took over the interactive part of the project to get it finished. This is her video on how the monster AI turned out.

This is also her blog~https://jevansgamedesign.wordpress.com/2019/03/14/game-development-interactive/







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